Leather of durian and banana peels can be used as a source of electrical energy. The content of sodium, potassium, and magnesium peel of the fruit can be used as an energy source in the used batteries that have been discarded contents.
Utilizing a banana peel and peel durian as a source of electrical energy is very easy. The tools need to be prepared just pliers, screwdriver, knife, or AVO multimeter (ampere, volt, ohm) meter, LED lights, wires, and a blender. Media were prepared is the inner peel of durian or banana peel.
Leather durian or banana peels in a blender, then put in the battery compartment is empty, then compacted. The battery is sealed and sealed. Charged battery durian banana peel or peel tested with an AVO meter to know the power of strong currents and potential difference (voltage) is generated.
Benefits of Bananas Peel For Power Source
The voltage should be at least 1.3 volts to be used. The battery can also be tested to turn on the radio, wall clock, or a flashlight.
The results of student research Vocational High School 1 Cerme, Gresik regency, East Java, shows, banana peels can produce a voltage of 1.3 volts, while the durian peel can produce 1.5 volts. The resulting voltage dependent water content and the content of calcium, sodium, magnesium and fruit leather.
According to the Department of Industrial Chemistry students who do research, namely Ahmad Ferianto, Andi Good, Aditya Dharma Putra, and Arifin, durian determine the maturity level of the voltage generated. Durian is too young or mature results are less good.
"Only the durian is ripe actually fit and unfit for consumption that can produce a maximum voltage of 1.5 volts. In addition, the type of durian montong Tuban results are better than many other varieties, "said Aditya.
Mineral content
Mentor teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Cerme, Imam Mukhlis, said utilization durian peel to a source of electrical energy is not new. The goal is to use the waste and waste batteries utilize durian peels and banana peels that have been considered trash.
"As long as the material used contains minerals sodium, potassium, and magnesium can be used for a source of electrical energy. We plan to try the orange peel, "he said.
Their results are included in the students' work and exhibition vocational degree universities in East Java and Expo in mid-September. Previously, the works included in the exhibition in the context of educational innovation of National Education Day last May in Jakarta. Then, in mid-October in the contested arena of creativity
The battery is made 窶銀€喫s labeled "Nice Dry Cell". Nice short Cerme State 1. The resulting voltage is the same as a battery manufacturer as 1.5 volts. However, the need to innovate in order to survive long as a battery manufacturer. Generally the battery with the energy source of the peel durian and banana peels can last only five days.
"The point is how to make environmentally friendly energy," said Mukhlis.
Other studies
Previously, high school students 2 Holy State, Central Java, Huwaidah Najla, also examined the durian peel to a source of electrical energy. Same way, the contents of batteries containing manganese, iron, carbon, and copper replaced durian inner peel that contain potassium and sodium. Voltage or power generated reaches 1.25 volts. The work Huwaidah usher in APEC Future Scientist Conference, Taiwan, April 10 to 16 of 2011.
On 10 April 2012, the students of SMA Negeri 2 Holy, Sheila Wildfire Audina, included in the Asia-Pacific Conference on Children talented in Taiwan after researching the same thing. The resulting voltage reaches 1.5 volts and the battery can last five days. Research on peel durian also performed Ruka'iya, 3 high school students Annuqayah Guluk-guluk Sumenep, in October 2011, and Madrasah Aliyah students Kampar, Riau, February 2012 results of the battery with the basic ingredients can produce a voltage durian peel 1.25 volts, also survived five days.