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Grape Cultivation Technology Correctly

Grapes used as fresh fruit and processed as a finished product to another as the result of fermenting juice drinks containing alcohol wines commonly called Wine, dried into raisins and for industrial purposes jams and jellies. 

Grape Cultivation Technology Correctly


A. Climate 

  • The vines can grow well in low-lying areas, especially at the edges of the beach, with a long dry season ranges from 4-7 months. 
  • The wind is too strong is not good for the wine. 
  • Average rainfall of 800 mm per year. And the rain that may damage premordia / will inflorescence is ongoing and may lead to pests and diseases. 
  • Preferably lots of sunshine / dry air is very good for vegetative growth and fertilization. 
  • Temperatures average maximum daytime temperature of 31 degrees C and the average minimum night 23 degrees C with 75-80% humidity. 

B. Growing Media 
  • Good soil for the vines is containing sand, sandy loam, fertile and friable, contains a lot of humus and nutrients required. 
  • The degree of acidity of land suitable for grape cultivation is 7 (neutral). 

C. Altitude 
  • Grapes will grow well when planted between 5-1000 m above sea level. Differences in altitude will affect growth and development. 
  • The grapes are much-loved people, ranging from upper-class society to the lower classes, from adults to children, they at least never seen or even at least once tasted sweet and fresh grapes. 
  • Given so many walks of life who enjoy grapes, and even many of those who want to have a wine plant itself, then through this paper we try to give you the recipe of the technique and how to cultivate vines are good and true. 
  • The vines are actually a relatively easy crop to be cultivated, either on dry land, garden soil or on the home page, which is important in the cultivation of vines, the land to be planted must not shaded, the sun is expected to shine a land surface throughout the day. 
  • When the vines are cultivated with the correct techniques and manner in accordance with the recommended instructions, be it engineering planter, fertilizing, watering, and pruning and care, God willing, at the age of about one year grape plants, you plant is able to enjoy the results. 
As for how to cultivate grapes correctly are as follows;

1. Election land. 
First of all choose a land to be planted, land or place which should not be planted in shade, so the sun can be shining throughout in full vines and evenly on the surface of the leaves. 
Because the sun light is a factor that is needed in the process of growth, development and fruiting vines. 
The sunlight was instrumental in the formation process of photosynthesis in the form of carbohydrate substances sugar or glucose that tastes sweet, while bentu photosynthetic reaction is as follows; 
6 CO2 + 6 H2O + sunlight Chlorophyll -------> C6H12O6 + 6 O2 
Where (C6H12O6) is that an element of glucose or sugar substances that are contained in the grapes, so the grapes taste sweet. 

2. Creating vine cuttings 
The technique of making cuttings of vines, first choose a fruitful vine that has been aged a minimum of 3 years and above. With the main requirement that the plant be taken for cuttings material, must be truly a superior kind, so the quality is not in doubt. Do you ever take cuttings from the plant material that has not been fruitful wine at all, because of the experience that the author experienced, it would be difficult to bear fruit crops and sometimes even not at all willing to bear fruit. 
       Furthermore, material take cuttings with 2-3 buds with a diameter of a pencil or less than 1 cm in diameter, choose the color of the material cuttings that have brownish. Do not take cuttings material that is too young or too old, try the old mediocre, so that growth and development will be faster and better. 
       Make the media to plant cuttings consisting of; soil, manure and sand in the ratio 2:1:1, and then insert the media into a poly bag that had been provided. Generally made ​​of plastic polybag with size +10 cm dimeter, on the bottom and sides of a hole-hole polybag. This is to set the humidity growing medium so that excess water can be drained. 
       Further material that had been prepared earlier cuttings, plant in polybag. Wherein each poly bag is filled with a depth of planting cuttings with approximately half of the height of the media in polybag. 
Then after grape cuttings were planted in polybags, wash the plants every day with clean water to taste. God willing, on the fifteenth day of planting, the cuttings are usually already started to sprout-shoots. Furthermore, at the age of 1-2 months, cutting the vines are able to be planted in the field. 

3. Cut a hole the size of the plant in a manner 40x40x40Cm excavated using a hoe, further soil excavation results was mixed with manure or bokasi and sand in the ratio 2:1:1. Do not forget to add inorganic fertilizer NPK as much as 100 grams, then the resulting mixture was growing media, reinsert it into the planting hole. 

4. Plant the seeds of wine that had been prepared earlier in the planting holes, do not forget to throw a poly bag or plastic bag with a knife carefully and try not to break the land, so as not to damage the roots. Then after that the plant was given a stake as high as 2.5 meters, it is the propagation of grapevines trellis or later. 

5. Flush vines that have been planted every day, develop the use of NPK fertilizers as much as 1 tablespoon every 2 weeks on a regular basis. Once the plants reach a height of 2.5 meters began to be made or the arbor-the propagation of plants for the future. 
The size of the rack are more or less; width of 1.5 meters, a length of 4 meters or customized with the objec-the high and approximately 2.5 meters. 

6. Upon grape plants reach a height of 2.5 meters +, form vines branching by regulating the 1:3:9 formula means the wine is made from one trunk into three branches, and then from each branch had developed into three branches again. Making the total 9 branches. 
Branches is what will be used as a candidate for the flowering branches that bear fruit later. 

7. Having +12 month-old vines, the plants should have started fertilized with NPK fertilizer at a dose of 500 g / year. How is giving fertilizer twice a year, first at the beginning of the rainy season, the next second fertilization is done at the end of the rainy season. Furthermore, when the plants begin tahun.tanaman old one held pruning flowering; way is as follows: 
Prune all branches on branches that have been established earlier, the third vertebra above, so that the three sections below should not be cut, and these segments that will produce grapes later. Do not forget to get rid of all existing leaves on the branches above, to look bare without a leaf attached. 

8. Splashing the vines regularly, twice a day. After +2 weeks of pruning, usually vines have started to grow new shoots, along with the growth of new shoots earlier, have started flowering vines. Then after 2-3 months of flowering earlier, the grapes have started to older and begin to mature, that's when it's time for the grapes picked and consumed. 

Thus grape cultivation technology correctly, may be useful for the readers and the general public, especially Indonesia. Good luck good luck.
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