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Benefits of Bananas For Men

Special health rapidly Want husbands have children or want to overcome fertility problems. If you are married for a long time and do not have children, do not rush to blame the couple. For example, by saying you infertile couples. It could be your own as're having problems with fertility. The simple solution to overcome fertility in men is try eating bananas regularly. Substances contained in bananas is claimed to increase fertility. Not a few men who have problems with infertility or fertility problems. Male infertility can be caused by various problems. Sure to be a doctor so that you know the problem. But no one also eat bananas regularly because it is believed to improve male fertility.

Benefits of Bananas For Men

Bananas are now providing new benefits in addition to increasing weight, which increases sperm count and makes sperm more fertile. Banana is a fruit that is high in potassium and low in salt. This makes it suitable banana as a snack or dessert that is perfect for people with high blood pressure. The author has proved itself. Ever since high blood pressure headache. Eating bananas 2 pieces just head straight away ... sorry ... .eh. headache disappear within a few minutes. 

Benefits of Bananas For Men 

An expert urologists in Singapore said that a man can increase his fertility by eating bananas regularly once every three days. Meanwhile, a sexologist Dr. Prakash Mathur said that the low sperm count is one of the challenges that affect male fertility which makes it difficult pregnant wife. 

There are a number of factors that affect the production of sperm, therefore most of infertile men are constantly looking for ways to increase their sperm count. "Everyone is expecting the results of sperm that can fertilize the female egg but if the sperm produced under normal conditions or called oligospermia will be difficult, so to cure that banana is the most effective way," he said. 

How, so simple not to increase our husbands sperm fertility? Only by eating bananas regularly. The price is not so expensive and can still be reached. In my place the price of bananas in one bunch ironwood prices range from Rp 5,000 to Rp 7,000 Cheap festive but the benefits are so great. Good luck yes.
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